How to protect your aquarium from the scorching summer heat ?

Aquarium fish Neon Tertra

Aquariums, especially in a tropical country like ours tend to get tricky during the summers. The temperature of your aquarium will elevate if kept near the window or under direct sunlight. Not every freshwater fish is able to tolerate frequent temperature fluctuations. It’s wise to keep fishes having tolerance for a high temperature in your aquariums if you are struggling to lower the temperatures.

Optimum Aquarium temperature

Based on the natural habitat, every kind of fish exhibits a different preference when it comes to water temperature. Species from tropical regions have a natural affinity towards warmer water temperatures than fishes native to the cooler regions. Freshwater fishes like Danios and Black Molly thrive best in water temperatures between 23 and 26 degrees Celsius range whereas others like the Paradise fish and Paradise fish can easily withstand temperatures between 15 and 20 degree Celsius or lower. In addition, stabilizing temperatures is of utmost importance to keep your fishes stress-free.

For a short span, most aquarium fishes are able to tolerate a maximum temperature of 27 degree Celsius. However, this may create challenges in the long run because at a higher temperature aquarium fish need more food to keep up with the increased metabolism. It is also observed that aquarium temperature is inversely proportional to the oxygen levels inside the tank. So, the warmer it gets, the O2-transferring capacity of the water gets depleted. It is crucial that your aquarium is always squeaky clean and has provisions for adequate surface agitation to facilitate the exchange of gases on the water surface. In addition, changing of aquarium water at regular intervals is highly recommended.


Handy Tips for Managing Healthy Tank Temperature

In order to enhance the wellbeing of freshwater fish, maintaining a steady tank temperature is indispensable. One sure shot way to achieve this is by safeguarding your tank from objects that might trigger temperature fluctuations. Keeping your tank away from the direct blast of cool air from air-conditioner or from direct sunlight near the window also helps to maintain the tank temperature. You may also consider synchronizing the aquarium light to an automatic timer, which allows them to stay switched on for approximately half a day and avoids overheating your aquarium.

Investing in a good quality tank heater or a tank cooler depending upon the surrounding climatic condition is another way of ensuring steady temperature in your tank. In case of dwelling in an all-around-the-year cool weather location, having a tank heater would be the safest bet. Aquarium chiller is mandatory if you live in a place that gets quite hot during the summer and presumably remains warm throughout. In order to keep your tank stable at an optimum temperature, it is advisable to use a submersible and adjustable thermostat heater. An aquarium cooler can help you keep things cool in case the tank temperature gets too high with respect to surrounding temperature or lighting systems.

Fish That Demand High Temperature

While most tropical fish can withstand temperatures up to 20 degree Celsius, there are also some fishes that can not only tolerate but, in fact, thrive in warmer temperatures. Some of the popular high-temperature-tolerant fishes that can easily tolerate 27 degree Celsius are:

1) Freshwater Angelfish (Pterophyllum scale):  Native to South American swamps and rivers where water temperatures can be as high as 30 degrees Celsius. The Angelfish is very peaceful and docile in nature, but they do have some special demands. Due to their tall fins, they need an aquarium that is vertically long instead of horizontally and they prefer planted tanks with plenty of open swimming space. Angelfish are carnivorous, so be cautious about not keeping them with small tank mates.

2) Rainbow Cichlid (Herotilapia multispinosa):The Rainbow Cichlid can reach a maximum length of about 4 inches and can tolerate tank temperatures up to 28 degree Celsius or more. This species is characterized by its colorful appearance and it usually gets along with smaller tropical fish. Rainbow cichlids can be largely territorial during spawning and they demand a varied diet to thrive in aquariums.

3) German Blue Ram (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi): This German Blue Ram is native to very warm climatic conditions so it can withstand temperatures around 28 degree Celsius easily. In fact, their natural breeding temperatures are several degrees higher. Blue ram cichlid can grow up to approximately 6 to 7 cm long and is characterized by their striking electric blue and yellow contrasting hues and the glowing blue spots on their fins. Blue rams are omnivorous feeders and prefer tanks with adequate rocks, driftwoods, and dense live plants.

4) Uaru Cichlid (Uaru amphiacanthoides): Probably the least commonly found aquarium species, Uaru Cichlid can tolerate in temperatures up to 30 degree Celsius or more. The cichlid is larger in comparison to other freshwater aquarium fish and can grow up to 8 to 11 inches in length. Native to the basin of Amazon river, Uaru cichlids are usually not aggressive if left alone and are suitable for large tanks with other cichlids of similar size.

5) Discus Fish (Symphosodon aequifasciatus): The Discus fish got its name from its characteristic shape of a disc in a myriad of bright hues. They are docile and peace-loving fishes native to South America and do best when kept in community fish schools. These attractive fish are one of the vibrant freshwater fish found and are a delight to watch.

Maintaining a lively aquarium at home isn’t rocket science. It is about adding the right species of fish suitable to the environment of your tank. Among many parameters to take a note of before deciding which species of freshwater fish to stock, temperature regulation is by far the most important of them all.  The best way is to check the tank water to determine the water chemistry and then choose ones that are tolerant. Choosing the right fish in accordance with the surrounding temperature is a sure shot way to keep your tank environment healthy and stable.

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2 thoughts on “How to protect your aquarium from the scorching summer heat ?

    • Advovate Rajeev says:

      Use a chiller. I have a planted aquarium of 5x2x2 foots, I use a chiller to save them from scotching Delhi temperature in summer. For nano tanks, I am opined to have a peltier (Thermoelectric Cooler Semiconductor ) based cooler.

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