Author Archives: Mani

Everything You Need to Know About Water Hardness in Aquarium

Everything You Need to Know About Water Hardness in Aquarium

Water hardness plays an important role in aquarium keeping. Besides parameters like temperature, pH, and ammonia, the amount of total dissolved minerals is equally crucial in determining how your plants and fish will respond. Any mineral above the normal value may disrupt the ideal range of water hardness. In this regard, how to soften aquarium […]

Optimal Fish Stocking: Finding the Right Balance for Your Aquarium

Optimal Fish Stocking Finding the Right Balance for Your Aquarium

Every aquarist dream of a vibrant and healthy aquatic environment in their aquarium. While it can be achieved with experience, beginners often struggle due to many reasons. Firstly, because fish keeping requires precise information about a lot of things such as maintaining the right water parameters, using the right water, etc., and secondly, there is […]

7 Best Red Aquatic Plants to Add Color to Aquarium

7 Best Red Aquatic Plants to Add Color to Aquarium

Every aquarist dreams of adding colors to the aquarium. Besides colorful fish, adding plants with varying colors makes the tank look alluring. Live plants offer many benefits, and one of them is they increase the tank’s aesthetics. Even though most of the Aquatic Plants come in shades of green, there are a few varieties that […]

5 Best Aquatic Plants That Flower

5 Best Aquatic Plants That Flower

How would you feel seeing little flowers blooming in your aquarium? Surreal, right? A lush green aquarium with attractive aquatic plants and colorful fish alone increases the aesthetics of the tank, and when this setup is combined with florals, the beauty is enhanced manifold. If you are a hardcore aquarist looking for different ways to […]

10 Popular Aquarium Plants That Do Not Need Substrate

10 Popular Aquarium Plants That Do Not Need Substrate

We understand that selecting the right aquatic plant for an aquarium is overwhelming for beginners. As if learning about all the do’s and don’ts for fish was not enough, selecting the right aquarium plant and its substrate doubles the fuss, creating apprehension among the new aquarists. So, what’s the solution? The first solution is learning […]