API Tap Water Conditioner, 237 ml

API Tap Water Conditioner, 237 ml

Seachem Flourish Potassium, 250ml

  • Seachem laboratories flourish potassium plant supplement 250ml
  • Potassium supplement for the planted aquarium
  • Does not contain phosphate or nitrate making it ideal for use with flourish nitrogen and flourish phosphorus
  • Highly concentrated (50,000 mg/l)

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Potassium is one of the most essential elements which are required for maintaining a natural freshwater aquarium. It helps in enhancing the growth of the plants and ensuring their vigorous growth in the aquarium. It is highly effective for large aquariums where the entire system grows rapidly, and the availability of potassium becomes difficult to reach the required level. When the source water has low mineral content, Seachem Flourish Potassium work wonders to maintain the level. It reduces the chances of potassium to become a limiting factor for the growth of the plants.


It is a wonderful potassium supplement for the aquariums having aquatic plants. The best part is there are no phosphates or nitrates, which mean it will replenish only the requirement of nitrogen and phosphorus. If you are looking for a product that can b the source of potassium viz., potassium nitrate and potassium phosphate, Seachem Flourish Potassium is just for you.


It has a highly concentrated formula, so using with the directions is essential. It is recommended for use with the entire Flourish line as well as Flourite gravel. You can use 1 capful, which is around 5 ml for every 125 liters of water. It is advised to repeat it 2-3 times every week or as required subsequently. You can watch out for the symptoms of deficiency of potassium in plants like chlorosis, necrosis, pinholes, weak stems and leaves and add Seachem Flourish Potassium accordingly.

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