Note: If you order 2 qty of a specific variety , then you will receive 1 male and 1 female. If you order 5 qty of a specific variety, then you will receive 2 male and 2 female and the last one will be based on availability.
Overview: The red sakura shrimp or red cherry shrimp, fire shrimp, or Neocaridina Davidi “Red” (scientific name). These are the most in-demand ornamental dwarf shrimps among the aquarists interested in keeping shrimps in their aquariums. These are the most frequently sold shrimps and most suitable for beginners as they are cheap in price and easy to care. The red cherry shrimp is a freshwater shrimp and can also survive in hard water as 20 gH. They are known for their easy breeding behavior and are more reproductive in nature at a water temperature of 24-degree C. They are low maintenance and self-sufficient as they feed mostly on the algae bloom in the aquariums. In the lack of algae, they can be fed blanched vegetables. The dwarf red cherry shrimps are very peaceful and vulnerable. Female shrimps are bigger than the male shrimp with a maximum size of 2 inches in length.
Habitat: A red cherry shrimp can be set up in any size of the tank of at least 5 gallons, but the tank should not be overloaded with a lot of aquatic animals. The red cherry shrimp tank should be filtered and cycled. It is being said that red cherry shrimps show their bright coloration only when they feel safe and have plenty of space to hide in their tank-like aquatics plants or other ornaments in the tank.
Water parameter: The red cherry shrimps are very adjustable and acclimatize easily in different parameters of water. As they are too sensitive to ammonia and nitrites, tanks should be thoroughly filtered and cycled before they are put inside. A weekly 10- 20% of water change is essential to ascertain that water conditions are suitable for the shrimps.
Temperature- 18 – 30 degree C
pH- 6.2 – 8
gH- 4 – 8
Care Guidelines: The red sakura shrimp is the high-quality variety of red cherry shrimps. They are very easy to take care of and very self-sufficient as well. It is advised to cover the filter intake with a sponge because the fries of the shrimps are too small, and the chances of them getting stuck inside the intakes are very high. So, keep the sponge as a protective measure.
Do You Know?
Apart from their use as a scavenger and cleaning member of the tank, they are also added to enhance the colors in the tank. The bright color of Red Sakura Shrimp brings so much appeal to the tank.
WARNING- Copper is toxic to invertebrates; therefore, avoid all types of food products, plant fertilizers, and medications that have copper in them in any form. If you have shrimps in your tank, always read the labels and make sure that the products you are using are copper-free.
Plants are in good quality, but the size of the pot & plant were small. I'm not 100% satisfied with size of plant. Overall it is a decent purchase and i would recommend.
It would be wonderful if BC could increase the varieties of fishes, tanks,aquarium accessories, invertebrates etc...
Darshan Srinivasan
Ordered some aquatic plants, got it delivered within few days.
Super fast delivery
one type of plant i ordered is vey small
Nice Things: I had gone thru the reviews , prior to the placement of the order for plants. As mentioned the grass plant supplied is 1'' size only / do not actually resemble with the picture being displayed. BUT IT IS WORTH WHILE TO MENTION THAT THE QUALITY IS EXCELLENT AND THE 1'' PLANT HAS GROWN TO 1 1/2 FEET NOW. All the plants have survived and had shown remarkable growth .
But one of the plant supplied had dried out in the transit and finally dead , so i advise bunnycart to do R and D on this matter to avoid plants dry during the period of transit.
Except hair grass and Vallisneria all plants are in good condition. Everyone should avoid buying tall plants because by the time it reaches at your doorstep it dries and dies. Happy Aquascaping
Sourav dey roy
I ordered three plants they were delivered in the best condition and are growing really well