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Anubias coffeefolia

5 of 5
  • Beautiful and attractive rhizomatous variant of Anubias barteri
  • Flowers frequently underwater
  • Can grow up to 12 to 25 cm tall
  • Suitable for mid-ground and background
  • Easy to maintain
Anubias coffeefolia

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Overview: Native of West Africa, Anubias Coffeefolia is a very attractive aquarium plant that can grow as tall as 12 inches when the right water parameters are provided to it. It belongs to the family Araceae. With a slow to moderate growth rate, you can easily maintain Anubias Coffeefolia in your freshwater aquarium and make the tank look lush green. This plant flowers frequently underwater, making the tank look even more beautiful. You can plant Anubias Coffeefolia in aquariums as well as terrariums in both submerged and emersed conditions. While propagating, keep the rhizomes about the substrate, or else the plant may begin to rot. It is undemanding and can grow in almost all types of conditions, therefore perfect for the beginners too.

Appearance: Anubias Coffeefolia has green leaves with a ruffled texture that can grow as long as 3 inches. When the leaves are young, they are bronze-colored but eventually turn green with time. With the long leaves, Anubias Coffeefolia is considered perfect for growing as a mid-ground or background plant. When the rhizomes of this plant are attached to hard surfaces like wood or stones, it shows the best growth. Regular fertilization and additional carbon dioxide will enhance the overall growth of Anubias Coffeefolia, with the result of which the plant will show robust growth.

Hard/Soft Plant: It is a strong and hardy plant that can grow well in all types of environments.

Ideal water temperature: Anubias Coffeefolia can thrive well in the temperature range of 20 to 28 degrees Celsius.

Lightning conditions: Low light conditions are just perfect for the growth of Anubias Coffeefolia.

Ideal pH level: pH within the range of 6 to 7.5 is considered the best for Anubias Coffeefolia.

Do you know: It is advised not to bury the rhizomes as it will cause the plant to melt and die. Also, being a slow grower, the leaves become susceptible to algae growth. So, do not place the plant under high lighting conditions.

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